How to prevent a data breach

In the modern age, data breaches are a serious and very real threat that are not considered enough when IT equipment reaches the end-of-life stage. 

Data breaches can happen for a number of reasons.

The reason which is most relevant to us is when a company fails to erase computer hard drives before disposing of them. 

In 2022, Morgan Stanley was ordered to pay 35 million dollars in lawsuit charges when hard drives containing the information of 15 million customers turned up in online auctions.

This happened because Morgan Stanley hired a moving a storage company which had no experience in the area of data management or erasure, and over a 5 year period, failed to oversee the movements of the company which led to an online auction of the computer equipment, which contained hard drives. 

Read more about that story here.

Prevention methods

The prevention of random data breaches in regards to hard drives and old IT Assets often comes down to individual employees. 

Something we often see at Fliptech is company employees who disregard the importance of secure data erasure for their company drives. 

We advise businesses and companies to train their employees in the secure handling of drives, and emphasise the importance of understanding acceptable data erasure standards. 

What can you do?

1. Make sure your business does not leave hard drives laying around! We see it all the time – companies leaving computer and hard drives scattered around the workplace. 

2. Contact a trusted provider to provide you with auditable erasure reports so that your business can have peace of mind knowing that there is no chance of a data breach. With erasure reports, you can be comfortable knowing that once a drive has been erased, you have something to demonstrate that a drive has been successfully erased. 

3. Contact us to provide you with a data erasure service!

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